Milwaukee, Cedar Falls(!), Melbourne: Three Black Riots—Three Explanations

John Derbyshire writes: When these riots happen, you get a lot of thumb-sucking pieces about why they happen, what causes them. Well, what does cause them?

You’re asking me? Well, I’m a race realist, so I’ll give you an answer in that vein. Then, in scrupulous fairness, I’ll give you some of the other hypotheses on offer, and compare and contrast them with mine.

My answer: Different races—different local varieties of Homo sap., that have followed different paths through evolutionary space for many, many generations, end up with different distributions on most heritable traits. That includes traits of intelligence, behavior, and personality.

So in a multiracial society that rewards certain traits and penalizes others, different races will precipitate out, average-average, at different social levels. American blacks, for example, with low average IQ, low average impulse control, and high average inclinations to antisocial behavior, will tend to pool at the bottom of society, in slums and prisons and criminal gangs.

The blacks thus pooled, being too dimwitted to understand anything about biology or statistics, will attribute their sorry plight to the malice of hostile agents. They’ll develop a lot of anger against those agents, the anger occasionally breaking out in riots…

So there you are: three hypotheses about what causes riots.

Hypothesis One: cranky old Derb with his stupid, bigoted, so-called “race realism.”
Hypothesis Two: It’s the fault of rich people not giving money to the black community.
Hypothesis Three: It’s our failure to tackle the root causes of crime and to have conversations…

When scanning the Western world for stories about race and diversity, I always like to take in the Antipodes. For one thing, I have some slight family connections with that zone. For another, the issues they’re having with diversity down under shed interesting light on our own troubles.

And then, I just hate to see the Aussies and Kiwis left out. They were stalwart allies in WW2. One of my very first pieces was about Australia; and I’m pretty sure I’m the only contributor to have written an entire full-length column about diversity in New Zealand, albeit on a different website.

One blogger I follow is the one who calls himself Oz Conservative. He’s very much on my wavelength, or I’m on his.

Well, reading Oz Conservative the other day I caught a reference to the Apex gang, which I’d quite forgotten apexgang about.


Who they? They a criminal gang in Melbourne, Australia, who staged a nasty riot of their own back on March 12 this year, the so-called Moomba riot.[Police charge 34, some with links to Apex, over Moomba riots, The Melbourne Age, April 19, 2016]

There seems not to have been any particular cause for the Moomba riot. The only thing the news reports are all agreed on is that it was nothing to do with race. Absolutely nothing, I tell you! The Melbourne Herald-Sun, April 10th:

A four-week police probe has ruled out race as being a motivation for the violence.

Moomba riots: Police blame mob mentality for Melbourne violence

Again, this one a headline from a different local newspaper, The Age, April 11th, headline: Moomba riots: Police rule out race as a motive.

So if you think the Moomba riots had anything whatever to do with race, you are a very bad person, and you should go wash your mouth out with soap and water.

Strange to say, though, when you look at video clips of the riot, what you see is mostly black guys. Yes, there are white people around here and there in the videos; but that’s because Moomba, like Sweet Corn, is the name of a family festival, with rides and stalls and musicians and floats, and a fireworks display at night.


Someone better tell the Aussies they can’t have nice things any more either—not if they’re going to climb on the Diversity wagon.

The Moomba riot seems in fact to have been a gang rumble, with the major gang involved being this Apex gang, most of whose members are black.

These are not indigenous Australian blacks, mind. They don’t cause much trouble. Like our own indigenes, they live mostly out of sight on remote reservations, peacefully drinking themselves to death. No, the Apex gang is made up of South Sudanese, who flooded into Australia in quantity in the middle years of the last decade. These are black Africans.

Apex have been fortifying their numbers in recent years by recruiting from “PIs.” That’s Antipodes-slang for “Pacific Islanders“—Polynesian peoples from the islands of the South Pacific, who have settled in Australia and New Zealand in great numbers over the past few decades. I mentioned in that Richard Lynn’s estimate for the mean IQ of PIs is 85, same as the mean IQ of black Americans:

While of course there is much variation, as there is in any large group, Polynesian New Zealanders as a whole are underachievers … Polynesians … are way over-represented among high school dropouts. PIs are unemployed at twice the national rate …

So this mayhem in Melbourne fits pretty well with my race realism hypothesis.

I can’t see that it fits at all with the historical Hypothesis Three, even if the New York Times does support it. There was no plantation slavery in Australia, and no hundred years of Jim Crow. Practically none of the Sudanese have been in Australia even twenty years. Some of the PIs would have been there longer, but they weren’t there in any quantity before the 1970s.

And of course they arrived voluntarily, as did the Sudanese.

Yet there they are in Melbourne: racially distinct groups with depressed mean IQ and presumably corresponding statistical differences in heritable patterns of behavior and personality.

And they’re doing just what the blacks in Milwaukee and Cedar Rapids do.

I’m going to mark up one for race realism here.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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